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Coping with COVID (2020)

This page is being updated as new information or photos are received of city firefighters and how they are dealing with responding during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any information, photos or even descriptions of what a typical call entails and don't mind it being added here, please email me @ Thank you!  

From the City of Youngstown Website -

During the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, all critical Youngstown City services will continue. However, City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department, Parks & Recreation Garage, Street Department, Traffic Sign & Signal, Waste Water, Water Engineering, and 20 Federal Place locations are closed to the public until further notice. ​

Fire Department

  • Fire inspections performed on any buildings, daycares, foster homes, etc. are temporarily suspended.

  • If a fire report is needed or you have any other fire department related questions, please call the office of the main fire station at (330) 747-7403 ext. 0.

March 19, 2020 4:00pm - Public access is restricted to all city fire stations to minimize non-essential contact. 

March 30, 2020 - YFD Captain Fred DeLuca (Engine 2) shares a photo wearing standard issue PPE (personal protective equipment) required when running on calls.

Below - Firefighters construct disinfectant spray guns with plans circulating around the internet. 

Above - YFD Firefighter Timothy Frease. Frease tested positive for COVID-19 on April 1.

Below - Frease talks about his experience battling the COVID-19 virus. 

 First test of the disinfecting sprayer system

Demonstration of disinfecting station furniture

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DISCLAIMER: This site is not an "official" city of Youngstown website. Any official department business should be directed to the Fire Chief's office at 330-747-7403. The content provided is believed to be an accurate representation of the YFD. This site is a tribute to the firefighters who serve the City of Youngstown and its citizens. The Job Opportunities section should not be considered as an official notice of examination. Information regarding testing dates will be listed on the City of Youngstown's official web site. No city funds were or are used for this website.


Copyright © 1998-2024 Site designed and maintained by Greg Ricker.


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